Friday, March 15, 2013

Day 257: Quadrilateral Quest

After weeks of hard work, my friend, Melissa, and I have finally completed our Portable Learning Center. A Portable Learning Center is a reinforcement activity you have created for your classroom. After you've taught a lesson on something, it's important to have a portable learning center in your class, so any student who may be struggling with that concept can get extra practice with it! We had 3rd grade Geometry. So, we created a Quadrilateral Quest. The students have 3 missions to complete. Mission 1 is a vocabulary reinforcement game. Mission 2 is a Connect Four game. Mission 3 is a Design Your Own Parallelogram activity. 

Day 256: Singing in the Fire

In my daily devotional book, Streams in the Desert, the devo today was about praise. But, not the usual praise. This was a story about a man who had suffered for many years, and he was in his last days. He was laying there asking God why He would left His servant suffer like this. And as he was waiting for an answer, he heard sweet, soft sound, like a musical note. He looked around and realized it was coming from his fireplace. He realized that there was music buried deep within the oak. When all was well with the log, when he was a beautiful tree, he heard birds singing songs on his branches, all was well. But, since he had been chopped down, he had lost all happiness, and his heart became cold. The long-forgotten melodies were sealed deep inside him. But, once the flames from the fire consumed his callousness, the melodies became to seep back out. "The intense heat of the fire wrenched from him both a song and a sacrifice at once". Some of us are like that. Our hearts have become hardened, we no longer sing the sweet melodies to our Father. Let the fires burning around you release the notes inside your soul. This old man learned from the parable God presented to him, and his soul found sweet comfort. Sometimes the only way God can get us to praise Him is to send fire around us. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Day 255: THE NOTEBOOK!!!!

I talked Kyle into watching the Notebook with me:) It was his first time to see it, and he LOVED it....ok, that may not be entirely true, but he liked it! This was a picture before the movie! But, if we had taken a picture after the movie, his face would have been so excited cause he just loved watching it. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Day 254: Much needed girls' day!!

Of all the pictures we took, this seemed to be the most fitting:) We got a massage earlier in the day (which was incredible), then we went to Opry Mills to get some shopping done! So, of course we had to stop in Claire's and wear some awesome glasses. 

Day 253: Cane Creek walk

On our walk today, somebody found it necessary to climb a tree and model. Ha. But, this picture is pretty awesome. 

Day 252: First UT Basketball game!

Today was both Kyle and my first UT men's basketball game! We went with our two friends, Cody and Sumner. We played Missouri, and won:) It was an incredibly close game! OH, and the shirt that I'm wearing, Kyle bought it for me! I didn't have anything Tennessee to wear, so he bought it for me. And it was perfect, cause it's PINK! I love him!

Day 251: Sleepover:)

This is what our sleepover consisted of :) Pinterest and youtube videos!