Sunday, February 24, 2013

Day 225: Celebrating the Life of my Aunt

Today was the most beautiful service I've ever sat through. I truly that believe that God used everybody involved in the service. The music that was played was incredible. God spoke through each person that spoke today. The first couple songs I couldn't sing. I couldn't raise my hands. I couldn't get into it, because every time I opened my mouth, I started crying. After a while, I looked around and saw their friends worshipping with their hands up, dancing, with tears streaming down their face. A couple of my cousins were able to stand up and worship God fully. I then realized that by worshipping right there with everyone meant that we were worshipping with my Aunt Lisa, which gave me the strength to stand up and worship with her. 
I spoke at her Celebration of Life. I felt so unworthy, but my Aunt truly showed me everything I want to be as a Christian, and I had to brag on her. I'm beyond grateful that God put her in our lives. She has forever changed me, and her life wil always be a legacy.

The 3 older girls cousins together! We all live in completely different parts of the country, so it was wonderful being able to come together and catch up. 

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