Friday, June 29, 2012

Day 1: Me

My name is Hannah and I'm 20 years old. 
My favorite thing to do is take pictures. I love capturing the moment on a picture. In high school, my friends always teased me for taking so many pics of myself. I wasn't conceited or stuck up, but I always thought it was fun to take random pics of myself, along with tons of pics of my friends. I'm not a photographer, I just like taking pictures. I don't take pictures to win a contest or get compliments. I take pictures to forever remember that memory. I believe that every moment in life deserves to be remembered...good or bad. 

Last night I was laying in bed and decided I wanted to do something challenging with taking pictures. I want to challenge myself to take and post a picture every day for 365 days. This challenge isn't meant to brag on myself or get attention. This is simply a challenge I am bringing upon myself. I honestly don't think I can do it...but I wanna prove myself wrong!

Rule 1: I have to post a picture for every day.
Rule 2: I can never post the same picture.
Rule 3: I can't stress out about this. 

Day 1: A picture of me

I wanted to dress up all cute, put make up on, fix my hair, and go somewhere with an awesome background. Then, I realized that I want this picture to be completely natural, blemishes and all. This  is who I am when I decided to take this 365 picture challenge. 
I want to look back on this day 1 year from now and be able to see how I've changed, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. 

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