Thursday, October 25, 2012

Day 112: Science Circus and Prayer time

 This is a picture of my group's science project! We were experimenting with which objects absorb more water and why! My group worked so hard on this project so I had to put it on my blog.
But, I'm kind of cheating. I am posting TWO pictures today.
One of my best friends, Sumner, got some bad news Thursday night. Her Pa has meningitis, so he's been taken to the hospital. Meningitis is a very serious illness and it really had scared her and her family. So, immediately after late nite praise, her boyfriend, Cody, announced the news to everyone so that we could pray for her. So, I snapped a picture of everyone lifting up Sumner and her family to God! The situation is completely in God's hands and all we can do is trust in our faithful God. 

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