Thursday, October 25, 2012

Day 118: "Floating Letters"

Wednesday night, I stayed up for a LONG time trying to figure this Science in a Bag Activity! After looking through tons of websites, ideas, experiments, I found this one that I like! So, I created a Science in a Bag experiment with it! 
The directions and what not are below!
The picture is an example of when I finally figured out how to work it late Wednesday night! The "m"'s and the "s"'s on the M&Ms and Skittles floated to the top! Crazy!

Science-in-a-Bag Activity
“Floating Letters”

Standard: GLE 0307.9.1 Design a simple experiment to determine how the physical properties of matter can change over time and under different conditions.

What you need:
  • M&Ms
  • Skittles
  • Plastic Bag
  • Little bowl of water

What you do:
  • Put the M&Ms and the Skittles in the water, with their letters facing up.
  • DO NOT STIR. I repeat, DO NOT STIR.
  • Wait a few minutes…approximately 15 to 20 minutes.

Describe what you see floating to the top:

Describe what you see happening to the water:

Why this happens:
The white letters on M&Ms and Skittles are printed with edible ink that doesn’t dissolve in water. When the rest of the candy shell dissolves, the letters peel off and float. Some of the letters break into pieces, but a few should survive intact!!


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