Thursday, January 10, 2013

Day 194: Driving my new car:)

We put a deposit on the car yesterday. Today, we got to go pick it up!! This is me with my new car! I'm beyond excited!!! I drove home so slowly because I didn't want anything to happen to it!
It's so awesome!
God is so so good! Being patient paid off:)


  1. A brand new car for a brand new year! How I wish you took pictures of the entire car so your readers will see how good it looks! Oh, and yes, continue driving it safely within the minimum and maximum speed limit when taking it for a spin. Enjoy and keep safe!

    Nicole Vickers

  2. Congrats to you on your new car! I second Nicole. I’m much interested in what your car looks like. :D Don’t forget to keep it well-maintained. Drive safely.

    - Maria

  3. The interior of your car looks amazing. You seem to be really happy with your new car. But I’m not surprised! It’s hard not to smile if you get to drive a great car like that. Drive safe always!

    Ellsworth Mciltrot
