Monday, November 12, 2012

Day 131: You don't know what you've got until it's gone.

I was reading my Out of the Dust book for my lesson plans and I stumbled upon a great lesson that I could apply to MY life! The girl in this book always tried so hard in school to make her Ma proud. She made great grades, did well on projects, came home and told her mom, hoping to get praised, and her mom always told her, "I knew you could", which provided very little comfort for her.
Her mom ended up passing away while giving childbirth. This excerpt from the book tells about how the girl's class did well on the state tests and she wished she could tell her mom. She just wanted to hear "I knew you could" from her mom, because it would be enough to just hear her voice.
We need to be grateful for the time we have with our family and friends! Don't take any moment, any word for granted. 

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