Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Day 152: Jesus Christ is President

I saw this awesome car today! It was a beautiful reminder of who is truly in charge. 
So many people lately have been so distressed about Obama being reelected, while others have rejoiced because they think he is going to save our country. 
Everybody just needs to breathe. 
I'm not getting into anything political here! Whether Obama or Romney had won, Jesus Christ would still be our Lord and Savior! Whether you agree with our President or not, we still must turn our eyes to God because He is what our lives should be about!
We are not living in our true Home right now. These matters are so trivial compared to our eternal life with God. If we are putting all of our attention on politics, then we have just taken our attention off of God. If God is our number one priority, everything else will fall into place.

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