Friday, November 23, 2012

Day 148: Birthday, Grandma, and Christmas Tree

Okay...I'm breaking my rules. But, today was too eventful to put only one picture up!
Here is my brother blowing out his candles! Today was his 19th birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CALEB!!!!

A couple of the cousins had left by now, but here is a picture of the grandkids with Grandma! Me, Sarah, Grandma, Caleb, and Leanne! Such a fun Thanksgiving!

All night long the girls have been decorating the house! Here's our lovely tree:) The majority of the ornaments on the tree are homemade ornaments that we created when we were younger. Some are falling apart, but we never have the heart to throw them away. This tree holds so many memories! 
32 Days until Christmas!!

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