Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Day 138: Perfect start to my morning

My alarm went off at 6:00 this morning, to wake up, jump in the shower, and get ready for practicum. Well, as soon as I woke up, my roomie, Ariel, knocked on my door and asked me to take her to clinicals since her car wouldn't defrost. Being the awesome friend that I am, I took her to the hospital (only after she scraped my windshield off with a wooden spoon). When I got back to my apt, I didn't really have time to take a shower, so I decided to start my morning with God's Word and prayer. It would such an encouraging start to my day. 
It's crazy though, how Satan attacks on days when he knows you are trying to get closer to God. But, with more dedication and time, I know that making this my morning routine will always benefit my days. 

I chose Proverbs 31 because of No Makeup November. So, many girls recently, my self included, who are doing NMN have been so focused on their looks, on their natural beauty, but I feel like we're missing the point. I believe this month has caused us to focus on our physical appearance, more than our heart and our attitude.
This verse plainly tells us what kind of woman we need to focus on being: "Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."
This month, as we keep our face uncovered, we need to take our focus off of our outside, and turn our eyes to our insides. God only cares about what's going on with our heart. 
We, women, need to strive to be God-fearing women!

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