Monday, December 3, 2012

Day 158: Streams in the Desert

Today, I just became overwhelmed. The semester is ending, it's time to buy Christmas gifts, there's bills to be paid. And I have a lesson on Wednesday that I'm being evaluated on with my 8th graders. Needless to say, I just couldn't handle it anymore. Instead of breaking down to a friend or breaking down by myself, I broke down to God. I fell on my knees and just asked for help. 
He showed me this book, which has been covered up for years. It's a 365 daily devotional. I opened it up to today's....(well, I thought it was today's). It was perfect.
It talked about finding a quiet place. finding time to meditate with God. One of my favorite lines said, " Strength is not found in busyness and noise, but in quietness." I love this. So many times we just GO GO GO because that's all we can do in our schedule. We think that slowing down or stopping makes us weak or lazy. However, Jesus spent quiet time alone with God all the time. He cherished them time with His Father. In the midst of our loud, busy lives, we MUST find the time to be alone with God. 
I needed to hear this today!
But, later, I realized that I read the wrong entry....I read December 4th's entry. God KNEW I needed to hear that RIGHT THEN even though it was the wrong day.
However, today's entry (December 3rd) sits perfectly with my soul, too.
Lately, I've felt lonely. I've had pity parties. I've wondered why friends don't call or text. I've felt so alone.
This entry talked about how Jesus is our Eternal Friend. It made me smile reading this. It gave me JOY in knowing that I am never truly alone. I loved this line: "We should never be satisfied until we have come to the place where we know the Lord Jesus in this way - until we have discovered He is our eternal Friend- continually, under all circumstances, and constantly ready to prove Himself as our Friend." 
So, anytime you are feeling lonely, take some time to strengthen your FRIENDSHIP with our Lord and Savior! Unlike our friends on earth, Jesus will absolutely NEVER leave you and will NEVER disappoint you! 

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