Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Day 160: My Evaluation Lesson

My prayers were answered! God has His hand over my class today! My evaluation went INCREDIBLE! The lesson was better than I could have expected. I got many positive comments on my evaluation form. My teacher told me numerous times how wonderful the lesson plan was, and that she even wants me to student teach for her. These are huge compliments!! I'm not telling you all this to brag on myself....but to brag on GOD. I know that teaching middle school is God's plan for me, and I am so grateful that He is helping me through my lessons!

This picture is a tree with the three different branches of government on it. One of my students draw a tree on the board, and in each of my classes, after we took notes, I split the class up into 3 groups. Each group was given a branch and I handed them 5 slips of paper. They were to write 5 important things about their given branch.

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