Thursday, December 6, 2012

Day 161: Be Holy.

Tonight during Late Nite Praise, we sang a lot of beautiful, powerful songs to God! But, one line stuck out to me (I honestly don't even know the song title). As we sang it, I ran out of the room, found a marker and paper and wrote down this line. It hit me hard.

"I choose to be holy, set apart for You." 

Wow, this is powerful.
We are given the CHOICE with how we are going to be. Every single morning we have to die to ourselves and CHOOSE to be holy. It may a difficult path to take, but this path has God holding your hand the whole time! This path leads to eternity with our Father.
This line also says we are "set apart for You." To me, I read this as, we are SET APART from the world. We are not supposed to fit into this world. So, we set ourselves apart for God. This means not watching all the things the world tells us, not saying things the world tells us, not conforming to this world (which is mentioned in Romans 12).

It is my goal to pray this prayer every single morning when I wake up. I believe the power is prayer is extremely powerful. 
I choose to be holy, set apart for You, God. 

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