Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Day 67: Saying goodbye never gets easier

When I was a Senior in high school, I was so unbelievably ready to leave home and move out to college. But, as I've gotten a little older, I've realized how much my family means to me and how I would be nowhere without them. I took advantage of their generosity, love, and protection. Now, everytime I come home, each minute I'm there is so special. I cherish every moment. Whether its watching Sarah play volleyball, or going on walks with my dad, or going to McKay's with Caleb, or playing cards with my mom, each of these moments mean the world to me! 

I love being on my own. I love having roommates and best friends in college. I love feeling like an adult. But, it's these things that make me grateful for the amazing family I have back at home. I've learned that no matter what they will always love me and support me. 

I definitely learned that tonight after my car broke down on the interstate....I honestly don't know what I would do without my family. 

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