Monday, September 10, 2012

Day 73: I got my car back!

This may look like a rather boring picture...I mean, it's just of my car. BUT, after a veryhumbling week of having no car, my parents finally brought it back to me on Sunday. 
My car broke down as soon as I got on the interstate Monday night to come back to Cookeville. Scariest experience ever to be stranded on the side of the interstate at night. This whole week my car has been in the shop getting fixed in Knoxville. So I've been car-less in Cookeville.
I'm much more comfortable giving to people, than receiving from people. So, asking for rides from people has been crazy humbling. I don't like having to rely on people. This week has definitely helped me to be okay with asking for help!
Also, I couldn't have survived this experience without my parents! They came to my rescue Monday night and took care of me. And, they drove a total of 3 hours on Sunday so I could have my car back. Talk about 2 completely selfless people! Grateful beyond belief for my parents!!

1 comment:

  1. Just imagining being stuck in the interstate at night is a scary enough thought for me as it is! Good thing you had your parents to help you out with your car problem, hmwhitney42! Did you ask the auto shop what could have gotten wrong with your car that it broke down just like that?

    Stelle Courney
