Friday, September 21, 2012

Day 83: SKITTLE math lesson

Two girls, Amber and Shelbey, and I created a Math Lesson involving skittles:) We had to make a 20 minute lesson to present to our Educational Math class. So fun! We used skittles to help our "students" practice with and learn more about bar graphs. We presented on day 2. On day 1, nobody used skittles as their manipulatives, so we thought we were set!! Well, on day 2, when we presented, THREE total groups used skittles for their lesson. I'll just say that we were on sugar OVERLOAD that morning! And it was before 10:00. 
It was so fun creating this lesson! Lessons like these make me excited to become a teacher:)
I hope that my students realize that you can learn WHILE having fun!!

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