Monday, July 9, 2012

Day 11: Attempt at being healthy

Today I went grocery shopping. After my crazy, unhealthy meal last night, I was very excited to GO ALL OUT with my new healthy lifestyle! 

I stepped into the Whole Foods Market for the FIRST time today. Not gonna lie, it was OVERWHELMING. I'm used to going into Wal-Mart and picking out my lean pockets, easy cup mac 'n cheese, chips, yoplait yogurt, ice cream, etc. Tons of processed foods.  Whole Foods Market was crazy different. Everything is organic and super healthy!! .... and MUCH MUCH more expensive. Whew.

But, here's what I came out of the store with. Lots of yummy fruit, Greek yogurt (which I found out today that I HATE, haha!!), lettuce, carrots, etc. 
I'm excited to begin this new healthy journey!! WHOO!

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