Thursday, July 5, 2012

Day 7: Signs to smile

I've been getting a little discouraged with this project....some days are HARD to figure out what to even take a picture of! Today was a very unproductive day. I had NO idea what to take a picture of. Nothing exciting, interesting, productive, worthwhile happened I took random pictures of Sonic drinks and the sky, but was extremely discouraged by them.....super lame. 

I went shopping in Rugged Wearhouse for a dress, and I stumbled upon this sign:

"Whoever Smiles First, Wins."

This sign definitely made me smile and brought my spirits up! Even if you're not happy at the moment, if you can find something to smile about, it will totally change your attitude!! After seeing this sign, I KNEW that it had to be the picture for today! It totally changed my day around, and my attitude about this project!

"Smiling is my favorite!" -Buddy the Elf

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