Thursday, July 26, 2012

Day 28: The Minister's Tree House

Today was our Middle School MYSTERY TRIP! The kids had no idea where we were going until the second we pulled up! A little over a 2 hour drive brought us to this gigantic tree house. 
A man, named Horace, had a dream telling him that God wanted him to build a giant tree house and God would supply everything he needed to build it. That man had a dream and he was determined to make it come true! This is not just a really fun tree house, it is a tree house with a beautiful, inspiring story to go along with it. 

More about this tree house:

We had almost 60 kids running around, hiding, and playing all over this tree house. After lunch, a few chaperones hid little army men all over the tree house and we sent our kids on a scavenger hunt to go find them and see who could find the most! 
Walking up all those stairs over and over again was exhausting! But, it seemed that every time I turned the corner, something new popped up!
Go check this place out!! It's in Crossville, Tennessee...absolutely worth your time.

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