Sunday, July 29, 2012

Day 31: Last Sunday at OC

I'm gonna try not to get sappy with this entry.
Tonight was our end of summer celebration! It was my last Sunday as an Otter Creek intern. My last Sunday of the most incredible summer ever...I couldn't have even imagined a summer as amazing as this!
This picture represents so much! 
I've got 3 of my middle school girls....I love these 3 so much, and I love all my girls so much. My heart is already breaking; just knowing I'm gonna have to leave them. These girls have completely changed my lives--and they gave me an unforgettable summer that I will be forever grateful for!
Winn (in the pink) is the other girl intern..I could NOT have gotten through this summer without her. Seeing her face throughout the summer always made me smile! I couldn't have had a better female intern to be with. So thankful for our relationship that God has blessed me with. 
Hottie on the left is Susan: DKnox (my youth minister's) girlfriend...who is AWESOME. This youth group is extremely blessed to have Susan be a part of them. I loved having her at everything because it was so nice having another girl to hang out with and talk to. So, thank you Susan for being a listening ear!
THANK YOU to everyone who is represented in this picture!
Thankfully, it wasn't my last night seeing everyone, so I only cried once! 

1 comment:

  1. Hannah!!! #1. Thanks for thinking I'm hot. :) #2. I have been so blessed this summer because of you. So thank YOU for being awesome!!!! I'm SO happy I have gotten to know you! You are a sweet, sweet lady!
