Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Day 12: Middle School Bible Study

Tonight was our Middle School bible study! We always start as a big group, then split up girls and guys. Here are my sweet girls:) These are some of my favorite girls!
Tonight we talked about Cain and Abel: we really focused on Cain's jealousy of Abel. 

Jealousy is something that all girls struggle with. We compare ourselves to our friends and strangers! We always want what we don't have. We compare ourselves to the girl who is prettier than us, who plays sports better than us, who has the boyfriend we want, who has a better body than us. The list can go ON and ON. But, the more that jealousy consumes us, the less that God can consume us. 

Tonight, I had planned for my girls to go around the room and tell us one thing that they were jealous of. But, as we were talking, I realized I didn't want them to talk about what brings them down. I wanted them to lift themselves up and GLORIFY GOD. I had each girl tell us something they loved about themselves....I told them, it's not bragging on themselves, because God blessed them with their own special traits!
I loved that each girl said something different!! Some girls really had to think hard about something that they loved about themselves. Almost everyone came up with something:) And the girls that didn't? Well, we had girls tell her what they liked about her!

God made each of us individually! He put thought into each of us. He made us special and unique. God knows how many hairs we have on our head. His thoughts about us are equal to the number of grains of sand!! That is a crazy amount!! How can we be jealous of another person when God created each of us so uniquely?? He looks at YOU and loves YOU for who YOU are!

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