Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Day 33: FAITH shirt

THIS IS MY NEW FAV SHIRT. I went tv and clothes shopping today with Jamesy--my co-intern. I ALWAYS have to stop in Forever 21 to grab a couple items!! Ah, I love it so much! Well, I'd already grabbed a couple cutesy shirts when James found this little number! And I LOVED it! I tried it on and immediately knew I'd get it!
1) I love tank tops.
2) I love the simplicity of it.
3) FAITH is my favorite word, hands down.

I love this shirt because it's a representation of everything we should be living for. Jesus says in Matthew 10:38--"If you refuse to take up your cross and follow me, you are not worthy of being mine." Paul talks about how we have to take up that cross DAILY. It's a choice every morning when we wake up whether we are going to follow Him or not. And without FAITH, there is no way I'd be able to take up my cross and follow Jesus. But, I put all my hope and trust in Him. I have faith that as I walk in His footsteps and follow Him with my cross, He will lead me on the path of righteousness. Taking my cross up daily is not always easy, but I have FAITH in my God. Thank you, Father, for loving me unconditionally, especially when I don't deserve it. 

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