Monday, July 30, 2012

Day 32: EMILY!

LOVED getting to know this girl!! Emily is one of the children's ministry interns at Otter Creek where I work. She is spunky and goofy and genuine! Don't know what I would've done this summer without her. For real. 
She introduced me to two of my new obsessions: Bubble Tea and "Japanese marshmallows" (from Sweet CeCe's). 
As we were taking these pictures in the parking lot, while NOT parked in a parking spot, a man was waiting on us so he could back out...embarassing!!
Most inspiring thing about Emily: her end of summer Facebook challenge! She put up a status stating that she'd run a mile for every like she got....and she has to run those miles in 28 of right now, the likes on her status are 173....ridiculous!! She's gonna do awesome:)
I love you, Emily!!

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