Thursday, August 2, 2012

Day 35: It's actually come to an end

When we all six met together for the intern retreat in May, I had no idea how close I get to each of these people. I also had no idea how quickly this summer would fly by! Each person here has blessed me in some way, and for that I am grateful! Working with this team this summer was truly life changing! 
Every person in this picture has worked so hard to create an amazing experience this summer for these OCYG kids. But, in the process, God created an amazing experience for all of us!! God knew which people would be the perfect interns for this summer and He brought us here.
I have never been with another youth group as awe-inspiring and life-changing as this group! I can't wait to visit frequently and see what God is doing in this youth group! I can already see Him moving in their hearts
I cannot believe this was our last night to hang out! And my last official day is tomorrow. I'll be very happy to go home and see my family and friends! But, I have created ever-lasting bonds with the girls here. I can't imagine not spending every day with them like I've done this summer. 
As we transition from summer to school, we'll all get busy, move on with our lives, and make new friends. But, we'll always have these rich memories to hold onto for the rest of our lives.
Thank you, Winn, James, DKnox, Rubio, and Nick for an AMAZING summer!!

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