Sunday, August 12, 2012

Day 45: Sarah drove us here!

Yes, this is a very sweet picture of us! I like it because it shows our close sister relationship. HOWEVER, that is not why I LOVE this picture. MY SISTER, who is 15 years old, drove us to this park! It's crazy that my baby sister is driving with her permit. And she truly does an incredible job. I used to be scared, but now it's just like I'm riding with one of my friends. Of course, I'm always backseating it since I'm not 21 yet, but it's still fun!
This picture signifies my sister's freedom to drive anywhere she wants to! It signifies her growing up and maturing! It signifies her taking on and accepting her new responsibilities! She truly is an incredible sister!
I've taught her well;)
So proud of everything she's become!!

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