Monday, August 6, 2012

Day 38: NEW Sister and Brother in Christ

Sunday was an INCREDIBLE day. It was my official last Sunday at Otter Creek. I couldn't have asked for a better last day. I got to witness two amazing middle schoolers commit their life to God and get baptized. It was a truly beautiful day. 
Seth, who is the most JOYFUL person I know, got baptized...and he was kind enough to ask me to speak at his baptism....I was shocked because I felt so unworthy, but I was completely flattered and grateful. 
Madeline Rubio (in the picture) also got baptized. It's been wonderful to see this beautiful young woman of God grow this summer. She has such a big heart for everyone! She always puts people before...which is something that I learned from her. I KNOW that God has big plans for her in her future! I cannot wait to see how God uses Madeline! 

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