Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Day 48: Homework Help!

Now that school's started back, it means late night homework time! All 3 of us kids are/were involved with sports, clubs, and youth group so we never got to homework until late at night! I still don't understand why high school teachers gave us all that homework like we didn't have a life or something. The best part about late night homework was how we could help each other and get our parents' help to when we didn't understand something. 
I only get to help Sarah when my college breaks are different from her school breaks and I can come home. And since I'm gonna be a teacher, I LOVE helping her with homework. But, Caleb's been here to always help her when she needed it.
Caleb's leaving on Saturday for his first year of COLLEGE. Crazy!! So, I thought I'd get one last picture of Caleb helping Sarah with her mythology homework. 
Not only is Sarah gonna miss all the homework help, but she's just gonna miss her big brother being around!!
So proud of Caleb and all his accomplishments! He was talented on and off the football field. I can't wait to see what God has in store for him for his future!!

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