Thursday, August 2, 2012


Tonight was AWESOME! It was camp night at OC. We praised like we did at camp and watched an amazing slideshow from camp! It was so wonderful looking back on all those sweet memories  from camp. I loved seeing the pictures from worship, games, canteen, slip n slide, and so much more!! This is a picture of some of my girls and I representing the tie-dye!! I can't believe that this is my last night as an OCYG intern!
I am beyond blessed to have this opportunity to work here. I had dreams of what I thought the summer may be like, but my dreams didn't even touch the AWESOMENESS of what this summer ended up being! I can't believe that God chose ME to come here.
I am humbled by His grace, love, and confidence. 
I am walking away from this experience completely changed. And I can't wait to visit these girls every chance I get!!

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